kids Tag


12 Aug Gimme the keys please, Dad…

Here at Helmers+Associates, our firm family is about to have our first teen driver. Beyond dealing with the typical parental nerves, there are some hard facts to consider when handing your highschooler the keys. Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers. Despite...

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14 Jul CPS just knocked on your door… 

You’re a good parent -- the type of person who would never to anything to harm your children. If anything, you might even be a bit over-protective. Despite all that, a social worker from Child Protective Services announces an investigation into child abuse or neglect in your...

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26 Feb Social Media & Divorce – A Lot to Dislike

You’re not gonna  this… We don’t like to scare our clients, but sometimes hard truth wakes us up. Think your social media world is private just because you’ve unfriended your estranged spouse? Think again. If you find yourself in the midst of divorce or custody litigation, anything you...

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24 Aug Kentucky Now Permits Same Sex Adoptions

With the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on same sex marriage in the landmark Obergefell case, Kentucky law has shifted to permit same sex adoptions. The change is a long-awaited one for many families in Kentucky. Previously, Kentucky law only allowed adoptions between married persons. As the...

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